Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Declaration of Independence

     We, Aurora Genne and Ashley Kulek, hereby declare the independence of our Utopian society, Taika, from the rest of the world. The society we're leaving is full of evil. People can murder, steal, or rape and get away with it. People make immoral and cruel decisions, and millions of people are being oppressed every day. Our society will be free of all of this evil and it will be a completely peaceful and kind society, filled with sweet, loving people and creatures.

     It shall be a society for all kind Disney characters. None are forced to join our society, but it is open to any Disney characters that were on the side of "good". It is also open to the rest of the world. When an ordinary person joins, they take on the persona of their good Disney character of choice. They will have that character's morals and personality, but keep their own appearance. Because good Disney characters are all just so naturally kind and loving, they will always make the best decisions for society. Everyone has the same rights, and the same responsibilities. 

1. Everyone has freedom of speech.
2. Everybody has the right to go where they wish and spend time with whomever they choose in the society.
3. Everyone has the right to their own private property.
4. Everyone has the right to leave our society if they choose.
5. Everyone has the right live.
6. Everyone has the right to have children, and/or adopt children.

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