Thursday, March 13, 2014

Environmental Pictures



Daily Itinerary

For an average citizen in our society, a basic work day would go something like this:

9:00 am-10:00 am: They wake up, eat breakfast, and get ready to start the day!
10:15 am-12:30 pm: They go to work/school/volunteer, and work until lunch.
12:30 pm-1:15 pm: They east lunch and socialize.
1:15 pm-4:30 pm: They return to work/school/volunteering.
4:30 pm-11:00 pm: They go home, spend time with family and friends, have dinner, and go to bed.

The schedule is for most of the citizens. However, not everyone works or volunteers those hours (obviously). Members of society aren't forced to a specific schedule, and so this is only accurate for the majority of our community.

Journal Entries

April 21, 2014
     Today I joined Taika. I came to the entrance, and I was greeted by two kind and lovely people. They were very welcoming and asked me all sorts of questions, like "Where do you come from?" and "Who do you want to be when you're older?" I answered best I could, but I probably sounded stupid. If I did, they didn't notice. They were just so sweet. They asked me which Disney character I would like to have the personality of. I chose Belle, because I think she's got a lovely personality, and I would love to be her. Well, of course, now I am her! In order to take on her persona, they had me lay down and listen to some music. They explained it all to me before, and made sure that I was okay with what was gonna happen. They said the music had hidden messages, and it was teaching me how to be Belle as I listened. When I was done, they brought me into the forest where the society is. It's amazing and beautiful, and they let me pick from any of the empty houses to live in. I chose a simple one, but it's cute. Many of my neighbors helped me move in. Everyone is so kind, and I'm so glad I live here now.

April 30, 2014
     Today I applied for a job at the bookstore and got it. The other Belles all said that it was a lovely place to work. I really love looking through the books when I'm not busy helping people. It's not required to get a job, but I wanted something to do and I wanted a little money, even though nothing here is expensive. I help with putting books back on the shelf, and I sometimes help with the cash register. The bookstore owner said he was happy to have me there, and I was happy to be there. It's mostly other Belles that work there (we're the bookworms) but there's also one Aurora and one Mulan. After I got home, some of my neighbors (Peter Pan and Ariel) brought me some supper. They offered to leave, but I invited them to stay for dinner and they did. I love how everyone here looks out for each other, and how everyone is welcoming, but gives you space if you would like it. After dinner they went home and I went to sleep, since I had work the next day.

May 10, 2014
     Today we had a vote. When our council ties on a vote for our community, the vote goes to us. Today we could vote on whether or not we should build some more houses. Some people didn't want to have the extra houses around, and some people said that having more houses would convince more people to join our society. People lined up outside certain businesses, including our bookstore, where voting was taking place. Whoever wanted to vote did, and it was very close. 55% said we should build more, while 45% said we shouldn't. Personally, I chose not to vote because I haven't been here long and wasn't sure which was the best choice for everyone. Because it was such a close vote, the council said that they would build a few new houses, but not as many as they had planned on. I think this seems like a good choice on behalf of the council, because it lets everyone know they are being heard. After the vote I worked the bookstore another hour or so, then went home.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Invitation to Friends

Dear Ashley,

                     I am loving my new home in Taika. Everyone is ever so friendly and I get to live with my childhood love (Prince Phillip). I am enjoying myself as a Disney Character my life is definitely a lot happier now that I moved here and have no worries of the criminal activity back in New Mexico. I feel that you would be an excellent fit into our society here because you are a huge Disney fanatic. When you go to live in Taika get to become a Disney Character that embodies you. If you moved here you could become Tiger Lily and live with Peter Pan.
                   You should come visit me some time and see how you like it here. I hope to see you soon!

With Love,

Taikan Government

The Taikan government will be a council made up of representatives from each section. 

These sections are as follows: 
Humanized Animals
Magical Beings
Transportation Vehicles

Although these groups are not required to live together, they all share the same representative, who is elected by them and has their best interests in mind. Each group gets one representative for every 25 beings in their group. The council meets once every two weeks normally, and can also call other meetings when they feel it is necessary. 

When there is a decision that needs to be made, the council takes a vote, with each representative getting one vote. If a council member wishes to withhold their vote, they may. If there is a tie, then the vote will go to the citizens, who each get one vote. If anyone wishes to withhold their vote, they may. 

In this way we will be able to make decisions based on what is best for everybody. 

List Of Rules

You will obey all rules any violators of these will be thrown out of our utopia immediately and will not be permitted to return under any circumstances

1. No stealing
2. No murdering
3. No use of "dark magic"
4. There will be no use of derogatory terms or profanity
5. There will be no public displays of affection (except for hugging)
6. All those who are not a Disney character are to become one if they are to live in our society
7. There will be no drugs or alcohol
8. Everyone will be respected and respectful
9. Everyone will remain honest, kind, and safe
10. There will be no hunting
11. No name calling
12. The council is made up of representatives and form laws best for all. These laws are to be obeyed the same as the rules are however the punishment will be dealt with how the council see's fit.

These rules are in place to protect our citizens. Today our society is running rampant with crime that endangers many. We believe by taking out the core of these issues they will stop all together. People are lead to break rules while Disney characters are benign and good willed. By being a character one is removed of all willingness to against the law. We also outlawed activities that have the potential to corrupt those who live in our society.